Advisory bodies

Advisory Board


Patricia Argerey Vilar, Innovation Agency Director of the Second Vicepresident of Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry – Regional Government of Galicia.


José Liñeira Piñeiro, Legal Advisor of Economy and Innovation of the Second Vicepresident of Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry – Regional Government of Galicia.

Vice President

Octavio Roncero Villa, Instituto de Física Fundamental, CSIC.


Arnau Folch Durán, Instituto de Geociencias de Barcelona.

Eva María Balsa Canto, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas, CSIC.

Mª Jesús Tallón Nieto, Subdirección General de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia.

Adrián Lence Paz, Director Área de Infraestructuras y Telecomunicación, AMTEGA.

Salvador Naya Fernández, Vicerrector de Política Científica, Investigación y Transferencia, UDC.

Vicente Pérez Muñuzuri, Vicerrector de Investigación e Innovación, USC.

María Belén Rubio Armesto, Vicerrectora de Investigación, UVIGO.

Scientific Committee


Juan Touriño Domínguez, Facultad de Informática- Dpto. Electrónica e Sistemas, UDC.


Alfredo Bermúdez de Castro, Facultad de Matemáticas – Dpto. Matemática Aplica, USC.

Otilia Mó Romero, Facultad de Ciencias – Dpto. de Química, UAM.

Romualdo Romero March, Grupo Meteorología – Dpto. Física, UIB.

Paula Anna-Maria Eerola, Dep. of Physics, University of Helsinki.

Access Committee

It is the object of this Committee to advise the Managing Director of the Foundation of requests for access to the Center, making a prioritized list of these requests, based on the established parameters.

The composition of this Committee, members and rules of action, will be approved by the Board of Trustees, at the proposal of the Managing Director of the Foundation.