Equal Opportunity Plan
The Supercomputing Centre of Galicia (CESGA) plays a key role within the Galician RDI system, having been acknowledged as a Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (ICTS). This institution’s activity is focused not only on providing support to other entities, but also on developing intensive research and collaboration activity with other agents in the scientific and technological realm.
The path initiated by CESGA with the elaboration of this equal opportunity plan is coherent with the current official policies on RDI. Firstly, there has been a clear interest on visibilizing the ongoing gender gap in this field on the part of European, Spanish and regional institutions. The undertaken diagnosis have brought up the unequal situation of women in this area. Thus, phenomena such as horizontal and vertical segregation or the leaking pipeline -the loss of female representatives in Science- have been detected within multiple contexts. Secondly, the identification of this gender inequality has led to the inclusion of equality as a crosscutting objective of scientific and technological policies. With this goal, the need for correcting the underrepresentation of women has been addresssed both in action plans and government regulations in order to achieve a fully egalitarian RDI system.
On the other hand, the policy framework on equality in the workplace has also undergone some major changes. Not only have specific aspects (e.g. discrimination or sexual harassment) been regulated, but also new tools serving this purpose have been promoted among different organizations. The production of an equality plan by CESGA will allow us to comply with the 2/2007 Law on Equality for Women in the Workplace in Galicia. Its article 11 establishes that every government-owned foundation in Galicia must create a plan to tackle gender inequality.
This confluence of factors, together with the organization staff’s interest, made possible to start the path that sets gender equality as a main crosscutting goal at CESGA. The first step was to assess the current state of affairs in this matter. Thus, the first part of this document presents a thorough analysis of the staff’s situation regarding equality among genders. It does so from a wide perspective which does not only analyse the personnel’s stituation but it also considers other aspects related to the image, activities and objectives of the Center. This way, a full picture of the state of affairs on this topic is provided.
The second part of the text gathers the main conclusions of the diagnoses and proposes a set of meassures and goals meant to deal with those fields in which gender inequality is more apparent. By this means, the I Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at CESGA Plan is shaped, initiating an action strategy to promote equality at all levels for the better functioning of the organization in the next 4 years.
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